


(519) 736-4073

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All About Our Office

Stone Selected for Dental Office Countertops

Here are samples of the stone counter-tops that we are having installed in much of the office including and especially in the reception area. Very modern and elegant! It's a Quartz material called Langdon by Cambria Stone. It is being supplied and expertly installed by Vern, and his team, at Better Made Cabinets. The New Amherstburg Dental will create a visual impact as soon as you walk in! - Dr. Zeljko IMG_2477IMG_2478

New Dental Office Contruction is Actually AHEAD of Schedule

More construction photos! At this point the general construction is AHEAD of schedule. The plumbing and electrical is all roughed in and hidden. And general framing of the office has begun. Below showing how difficult it is to create an open concept office where everything has to be hidden in the floor. A lot of elaborate pain-staking detail to their work. I can actually walk into each individual room now and imagine my new dental clinic coming to life. The reception area and front desk counter-tops support roughed in also. Yeah! -Dr. Zeljko P2100299IMG_2462IMG_2497IMG_2496

Office Cleaned Up & Ready for Concrete Cutting!

The demolition is mostly complete and it's time to cut channels into the concrete floor for plumbing and electrical. Amazing how fast the demo went! IMG_2412 IMG_2413

Demolition has Started on Our New Dental Office

It's very hard to imagine this large space will become a world class dental clinic in a few short months. Looks to me like my General Contractor, Giovanni Oliverio, and the crew of CGI Construction are kicking butt and taking names. Keep up the good work guys!! Bye Bye Video Store, Hello The New Amherstburg Dental - Dr. Z IMG_2371   IMG_6308

Construction Plans Progressing Nicely

Our official construction signs are up. They are huge! You can't miss them. The office floor plan has been finalized. The contractor is finalizing his plan. Tammy and I, and our Henry Schein Rep., Carl Bernat, will be going to pick out our dental cabinets in a week and a half! I'll keep you posted as we progress with pictures and ideas. Coming Spring 2015 So much fun! Regards, Dr Zeljko

The Birth of a brand new office for Amherstburg Dental

We are excited to announce that our dental office will be moving! 10404485_713129222108421_5804922574448894427_n Coming in the spring of 2015, Amherstburg Dental will be moving from our current location at 165 Sandwich Street South to our new home one block down the road. We will be moving into a brand new dental office at our new location at 35 Sandwich Street South which you may already be familiar with as the former 'Movie Gallery/Eye-On Video' building. I want our patients to walk into the new Amherstburg Dental and be awed, inspired, and wowed. Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic and Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton will continue to provide general dentistry at our new location. Planning and construction is well on its way for the new dental office with completion targeted for this coming spring. The building and ample parking lot is accessible off the main road of Sandwich Street. Our goal in finding and designing this space has been to retain the relaxed atmosphere in a bigger and more modern space. We wish for great views with natural light, televisions in the treatment rooms, digital xrays, full computer notation, intraoral cameras and patient-view monitors. We have planned to improve your comfort while upgrading our diagnostic tools. In addition, we will continue to serve you with our impressive business hours tailored to scheduling your appointments at your convenience. We look forward to welcoming you to our new office upon completion this coming spring. While our equipment and work space will be new, our excellent staff and service will be even better. Best Regards, Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic
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