


(519) 736-4073

NEW Diagnostic Tools for Painful Jaw Joints (TMJ – TMD)

NEW Diagnostic Tools for Painful Jaw Joints (TMJ – TMD)

Have your jaw joints been sore or painful?

Another smart tool we have added to our office here at Amherstburg Dental is the ability to take a digital image of just your jaw joints in both an open and closed position. With the use of our NEW digital imaging system, we can evaluate even more in depth why your jaw is bothering you. The advantage here is being able to take this diagnostic image and evaluate it here in our office while you are here for your cleaning or other exam. Now with the available Sirona software measurement and analysis tools, we can immediately get a clearer picture of what is happening to your jaw joint and make recommendations for treatment right here in our office. Also, we can fabricate the correct type of nightguard that will work best for your specific jaw needs; should it become necessary.

Yet another, very cool thing we can do with our new Sirona Orthophos machine!!!

Call us at 519 736-4073 to make your appointment today!

Regards – Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic – Amherstburg Dental

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