


(519) 736-4073

operatory staged copy

All About Our Office

Amherstburg Dental’s Open House was a Huge Success!!!

Good Morning Everyone! I was very happy with Saturday's turnout for Amherstburg Dental's Open House! It was simply overwhelming how many people attended, especially within the first two hours with a steady stream of cars. We had a packed house for nearly the entire time we put on the event. Thank you to our friends, patients, and supporters for your attendance and love. Thank you to all of you who contributed in helping us put on the event with organization, marketing, and pr...eparation. Thank you to our contractors and advisors for your presence and support. Thank you for all of the new faces from the Amherstburg Community for joining us for the event. I hope to see all of you attending our office as patients regularly. We welcomed so many new patients into our office on Saturday. Thank you for joining our Amherstburg Dental Family as New Patients!!! Thank you to my staff for making the office beautiful and so clean we could literally have eaten off the floors! I am very fortunate to work with such a great group daily. And most of all I want to send out a huge Thank You to my wife, Tammy Durocher. She did all the background running around for the event and tied everything together seamlessly as she does daily with all aspects of our life. I love you very much. Thank you for always supporting me, your support through the entire project and this new chapter of our lives. It's going to be a great week!!!! - Dr. Zeljko joyful-sun-hi

Digital Doc IRIS Intra-Oral Camera is now at the NEW Amherstburg Dental

I am proud to introduce yet another wonderful tool now that we can use at the NEW Amherstburg Dental. It's called the Digital Doc IRIS Intra-Oral Digital Camera. I have found many uses for it. We can take pictures of your teeth for before and after purposes. Full face pictures for InvisAlign braces. Or highly detailed pictures of single teeth or surface on that one tooth. Then we can display it on both monitors to share our findings with the patient and come up with a more ac...curate plan of treatment. Such as the following case. The digital x-ray showed something was not right with the middle tooth. But only until we were able to take a closer picture of the tooth by itself and actually look inside the tooth in real-time with the Digital Doc IRIS camera, did we really discover how serious the problem was. A complete fracture!!! That's the dark line. Unfortunately the tooth could not be saved, but we saved this patient time, money, and aggravation trying to attempt to save an unfixable tooth. I love my new office more everyday and so do our patients!!! IRIS-Perspective-sm Cracked Tooth 3 Cracked tooth 2 Cracked Tooth                                                   If you are interested in visiting us, we'd be pleased to help you. Call us at 519 736-4073. Regards Dr. Z

NEW Diagnostic Tools for Painful Jaw Joints (TMJ – TMD)

Have your jaw joints been sore or painful? Another smart tool we have added to our office here at Amherstburg Dental is the ability to take a digital image of just your jaw joints in both an open and closed position. With the use of our NEW digital imaging system, we can evaluate even more in depth why your jaw is bothering you. The advantage here is being able to take this diagnostic image and evaluate it here in our office while you are here for your cleaning or other exam. Now with the available Sirona software measurement and analysis tools, we can immediately get a clearer picture of what is happening to your jaw joint and make recommendations for treatment right here in our office. Also, we can fabricate the correct type of nightguard that will work best for your specific jaw needs; should it become necessary. Yet another, very cool thing we can do with our new Sirona Orthophos machine!!! Call us at 519 736-4073 to make your appointment today! Regards - Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic - Amherstburg Dental IMG_7009 copy IMG_6979

Making Sinus Problems more easily visible at Amherstburg Dental

Here is another wonderful x-ray our NEW digital imaging system can take. We can now take a picture of your sinuses by themselves. This can help us in trying to figure out if your teeth are actually bothering you or if your sinuses are having a flare up and bothering your teeth instead. This is great help especially this time of year where the weather gets hot and allergies start to run rampant.  We can do this with our new Sirona Orthophos machine. Also Very Cool! IMG_7011 copy Regards - Dr. Zeljko - Amherstburg Dental - Call us at 519 736-4073 to make your appointment today! #sinus infection #sinusitis #orthophos #digital x-rays #digital imaging

Amherstburg Dental Parking Lot Maintenance before and after

Here are the before and after pictures of our parking lot here at Amherstburg Dental; located at 35 Sandwich St. S. here in lovely Amherstburg! Thank you Andre J.P. Dufault and all his hard working employees at Top-It Asphalt. Great Job! Looks much better. - Dr. Zeljko AIMG_7020 AIMG_7021

Feature Wall completed with Corporate Logo

Thank you for all your positive and supportive comments. We finalized some more design elements at Amherstburg Dental in our lobby and sterilization area. As you walk into our patient lounge, please check out our feature wall with our corporate logo. The raised lettering and mascot are Super Cool! I am very pleased at how well it turned out!! Also, as you walk by the Sterilization Centre you can clearly see the subtle lettering etched into the glass. Some more coolness to an already elaborate layout. Hope you enjoy all the little details we put into the grand office design at my Amherstburg Dental. Regards - Dr. Zeljko IMG_3016 IMG_3015 IMG_3014 IMG_3013  

New Pictures of our Beautiful Office

I finally had time to update our photos of the office. It's been a very busy month with giving so many tours of the new office and treating so many patients. I hope this gives you a small glimpse of how beautiful our new office is and I hope to see many of you very soon! New patients and Same-Day Emergencies are always welcome. Please call Amherstburg Dental for Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic or Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton at (519) 736-4073 to book your appointment today. Regards - Dr. Z IMG_6956IMG_6958IMG_6959IMG_6961IMG_6963IMG_6964IMG_6969IMG_6976IMG_6979IMG_6981IMG_6987IMG_6991IMG_6997IMG_7000IMG_7007IMG_7014IMG_7022IMG_7023IMG_7026  

X-Rays without films in your Mouth – Very Comfortable

I am so pleased with all of our new radiographic (digital x-ray) imaging. We are able to do many new things. One of my new favourite digital capabilities is being able to take pictures on the sides of patient's teeth who are severe gaggers to help check for cavities in between teeth. This is useful for people who can't tolerate having films or sensors in their mouths. Also, very helpful for children and very, very young kids who would normally refuse to cooperate. We can do this with our NEW Sirona Orthophos machine. Very Cool! Regards - Dr. Zeljko IMG_6979IMG_7018 copyIMG_7019 copy

Update on NEW Dental Equipment Installation

Here are some pictures from this week's NEW dental equipment beginning to be installed. IMG_6679 Chad Pelletier and the Technicians of Henry Schein working tediously. IMG_6686 And Measuring...And Connecting... IMG_6678 I love the purple. The color scheme was chosen by our CGI-affiliate Designer Victoria Young, my wife Tammy Durocher, and our Project Leader Carl Bernat. The seat cushions and chair fabric are all Smoky Purple as well. IMG_6676 The rear cabinetry is a metal aluminum with a midnight melange stone countertop. You can see the large porcelain tile floors (which need a GOOOD cleaning, construction!!) and the transition to the Marmoleum operatory floors. The computer and monitor still to be installed on that nice silver tray there. You don't see any wires or anything on the floor or above the cabinets?? EXACTLY! Thank you Giovanni, thank you plumbers, thank you electricians, thank you network guys. We did NOTHING simple... IMG_6677 Large spacious operatories (treatment rooms), open yet private. Assistants don't have to enter the rooms to restock instruments into the room. They simply access the back and slip the next new sterile cassette in for the next procedure or next patient. Cool! IMG_6685 Smoky Purple upholstery reminds of the same material you'd see on expensive lady's handbags. IMG_6674 It's finally beginning to look like a reception area. The millwork, cabinets, and countertops are still to come. Lighting and metal accents to follow. Victoria and Tammy have finalized the reception lobby area and waiting lounge furniture. However, they are also actively hunting for contemporary art for the entire office. The Logo Feature Wall still to come. I'm being told we upgraded to a gigantic fireplace which I can't wait to see. The Fireplace Cultured Stone Wall and HD TV set-up are also still to follow. Now crunch time for all the minor details... I'll keep you posted as we near the finish! Regards, Dr. Zeljko

Floors Finished and New Dental Equipment Installation Begins

The porcelain tile and marmoleum  floors were finally completed last week. This week was the week to determine whether or not we could confirm our moving schedule. To my surprise, we are on schedule. The NEW dental cabinetry, stone counter-tops, and dental equipment arrived. It is being set-up this week by our technicians. Well done to all who have aided in seeing this grand project come to fruition and nearing completion. I want to specifically thank Giovanni Oliverio of CGI construction and all of his subcontractors. They did a marvellous job of hiding every wire, cable, and plumbing line. How? MAGIC!! A huge thank you to Chad Pelletier and all the Technicians who aided him from Henry Schein. They have the Herculean task of assembling all the equipment and hundreds of little hoses and wires no one ever sees that makes everything work. And a big Thank You! to our project leader, Carl Bernat of Henry Schein, for hammering out the difficult hurdles and making sure the project proceeded smoothly. So far so good. We are well on our way to completion now. As a result of everyone's combined efforts, I am pleased to announce that after 18 years of practicing Dentistry here in Amherstburg, I will be starting my 19th year in a brand new, high-tech, ultra-modern dental facility. My own practice in my own building. It doesn't get any better than that. All of my current associate dentists will be joining us at the new location. We are scheduled to move June 1st and 2nd, and resume normal operations by late morning on Wednesday, June 3rd. YEAH! During our moving days, you can still call us and make your appointments by calling us at our regular phone number (519) 736-4073. Until the big moving day, we are still seeing all of our patients at our current location. Looking forward to a new beginning,...again. Regards, Dr. Zeljko

Drywall Delivered, Installed and Mudded.

Another update on our new dental office construction. The drywall arrived in huge sections and was carefully installed in less than a week by CGI Contracting. The following pictures show several of the areas of Amherstburg Dental's new offices. The front desk reception area is visible, the entrance to treatment areas, and the premiere wall for our Amherstburg Dental logo. The Patient Lounge Sitting area (waiting room) and where the fireplace, HDTV will be going. It going to be like your home away from home. Some of the Treatment rooms on the left. More of the treatment rooms on the right side and the huge New Sterilization Center with glass partition for our patients to view its workings. The payment area of the reception desk area. drywall deliveryIMG_2669 IMG_2668 IMG_2667 IMG_2666 IMG_2665 More pictures to follow as we go. Upcoming this week is the Tile Floors and 1st coat of Painting. Best Regards- Dr. Z    
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