


(519) 736-4073

General News

Dental Divas Raise $1383.00 for Multiple Sclerosis of Canada.

Amherstburg Dental Family Dentistry, Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic, Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton, and Dr. Sal Peralta would like to congratulate our very own ‘Dental Divas’ dental assistant team on another successful Windsor Multiple Sclerosis Walkathon! They raised a whopping $1383.00 and participated in the Walkathon on April 17th of 2011. Here they are sporting their www.amherstburgdental.com […]

Freezin’ For A Reason – 11th Annual Polar Bear Dip for ChildCan

Amherstburg Dental Family Dentistry, Dr. Zeljko Veselinovic, Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton, and Dr. Sal Peralta wish to congratulate our very own dental assistant, Samantha Pretty, who pretty much froze her assistant off when she participated in the 2011 Polar Bear Dip. For those unfamiliar with what a Polar Bear Dip is, it is a fundraising event where […]

Dr. Buxton Finishes The 2011 Walt Disney World Marathon

Amherstburg Dental Family Dentistry would like to extend our congratulations to our own Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton for participating and completing the events at the 2011 Walt Disney World Marathon. All the participants were required to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation in order to compete in the events. The Marathon races took place […]

Dr. Buxton Completes 2010 ERCF Super Santa 4km Run

Congratulations to Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton and her family on completeting the ERCF Super Santa 4K Run & Walk. The event was held on Saturday, November 27th at 5pm in our wonderful town of Amherstburg, Ontario. It took  place just before the Amherstburg Santa Claus parade at which hundreds or people attended. All participants were […]

Pictures from Amherstburg Dental Halloween Night Vipers Game

Happy Halloween again everyone. I just wanted to post a few pictures from the LaSalle Vipers Game sponsored by Amherstburg Dental Family Dentistry on October 27th. We had a huge attendance at the game with several great costumes amongst the fans attending. The fans dressed in costume included Scooby Doo, Cruella de Vil, a Viking, […]

Dr. Buxton completes 2010 Detroit Free Press Marathon

Congratulations to Dr. Jerri Ann Buxton for completing the Detroit Free Press marathon on Sunday October 17th, 2010. Dr. Buxton ran the 1/2 Marathon which is 21km and it took her 2 1/2 hours to complete. A wonderful accomplishment for Dr. Buxton which should show all of us that you can stay in shape, be […]

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